Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Haute Mom Dilemma #30 ~ Sick Mommy Sick Baby

When I started writing this blog and talking about dilemmas, my good mommy friend Alyssa suggested I write about being sick and having to take care of a baby.  I knew it would be quite the thing to write about but haven't written about it because I haven't experienced it...until now. I started feeling sick on Friday but thought I could tough it out and then Stella had a fever by Saturday.  Fastforward to today and we are both home sick, with a sick nanny home too.  Nothing like sharing germs.  I hope hubby doesn't get sick on top of it.  I don't have enough time or space to list all the reasons why that would be a bad thing. 

So getting the rest and relaxation you need when you are down for the count is almost impossible when you are taking care of your children at the same time.  Add sick to that part of the list and you now have a fussy baby who isn't sleeping well either.  I am sure when Stella gets older, staying in bed and watching movies will be a great remedy but for now, I just have a needy, cranky baby on my hands.  But, how sweet are they even when they aren't feeling well?  Bless her heart, and cough, and runny nose.
She's still smiling even with a 101 degree fever.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there, I did 2 days home last week with zach ( 3 1/2) Brooke ( 7 months) and me all home with a stomach bug! GROSS! So happy we had my parent steam arpet cleaner!!! Then the next day we left to spend 3 nights in a hotel away for the weekend, between all that and teething! I look like hell! But I love it,,,,,mostly!


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