Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lazy Sunday

So as I sit here in this 95 degree weather and listen to my husband ask me what we are having for dinner, I can't help but imagine a life with a maid and full-time chef. Lord knows I would be happier and skinnier. To say I am no Betty Crocker is putting it lightly. My take on cooking dinner equals ordering out. I have had two jobs for years and the last thing I want to do after a 12 hour day is cook. So how, I wonder, am I supposed to cook now with a four month old who loves to be held (and when I say loves, I really mean screams if she is not picked up at least once every 15minutes or so). We can talk about spoiling issues later. I do want to attempt to cook more, now that I am staying at home until December and want to eat healthier to try to lose some pregnancy weight. How exactly am I supposed to cook with a baby? There are very few receipes that would allow me to start in 15 minutes and then revisit for another few mintues at a later time. I need few ingredients, low preparation, and health rolled into one! Well, I found one and I am going to try it out - Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken! It is even friendly with this heat wave we are having since I don't need the oven or the stove for very long. Try it out too...and let me know how it turns out or if you came up with any creative variations!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if my comment went through. Visiting from Bloggy Moms. It's tough cooking great meals while having little ones. I usually do all the prep work during naptime or cook something easy like chicken wings since once you marinade them, there is nothing else to do but stick in oven. I will have some recipe postings soon so come by my blog at and follow. I am now following you.


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