Friday, November 9, 2012

Superstorm Sandy Sends a Strong Reminder

In the midst of the devastation on the East Coast, I have received constant reminders in various forms that we need to be prepared for emergencies. I hope that all of you who were affected by the storm remained safe.  It is actually all of you East Coarst haute moms that I have to thank. Your suffering was my reminder.

Working for the school district, I am aware of the steps that are taken in the schools should disaster strike during the day. Blankets, extra food supplies, and evacuation plans are all a part of the districts’ attempt to keep kids safe in an emergency situation.

Precious goods
But what if our kids are at home? Is there a plan to meet should we all get separated? Could we live at home for more than a day if roads were closed or stores were shut down?

There was a part of me that for many years felt that as long as our family was together, we would be able to take on anything. That is foolish.

I began to realize we needed to do more to prepare when I began hearing tips on the news about disaster preparedness. I started talking to my husband about water supplies, food and extra batteries.

So, we got emergency kits for our home and cars. I found some reasonable kits online that were ready-made. I went for these since, although more expensive, they came with most of the recommended supplies without me having to chase them down at numerous stores.

If I had more spare time, I would not have minded hunting down all of the recommended supplies, but — considering how long it has taken me to take this first step — I figured it was best just do it all now. Knowing me, I would take my time crossing items off and get caught without something important, like drinking water.

I feel better knowing that we are prepared for an emergency situation. As I told my hubby last night while I was purchasing kits, I hope that this is something we end up storing and never needing.
As a parent, it is our responsibility to make sure we can care for our families in any situation. Whether pre-made or homemade, it never hurts to stash away supplies.

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